טקסט מסביב לתמונה .
מישר את התמונה לצד השמאלי של הדף .
מישר את התמונה לצד הימני של הדף .
מישר את הטקסט מעל התמונה .
מישר את הטקסט מתחת לתמונה .
מישר את הטקסט באמצע התמונה .
ישנם מספר דרכים לכתיבת טקסט יחד עם
התמונה . כל האפשרויות ניתנות לשינוי ע"י
.לדוגמא ניתן לישר תמונה לתחתית הטקסט או
לימין או לשמאל הדף , כך שהטקסט יהיה מסביבו .
נניח לדוגמא שיש לנו את קטע הקוד הבא
שמישר את התמונה לשמאל :
<p><img align=left src="guide1-image2.gif">
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for
hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Some people
(and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks
he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all
day while the other ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around
securing food for the winter.
הטקסט ייכתב מצידה הימני של התמונה :
This is an ant, sitting
on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting
the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is
lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which
case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other ants
(or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the
ניתן גם ליצור דף כך שהטקסט יתחיל מעל
התמונה ויעטוף אותו כמו מסגרת , כפי שמודגם
בשורות הקוד הבאות :
<p> This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some
days he sits on his butt for <img align=left
src="guide1-image2.gif"> hours upon hours, letting the other ants do
all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth
is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to
sit on his tookus all day while the other ants (or penguins, in his
world) scurry around securing food for the winter.
וזה יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on
his butt for
hours upon hours,
letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say
he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in
which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other
ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the
שורת הקוד הבאה פועלת באותה צורה :
וזה יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting
on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours,
letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say
he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a
חשוב לציין שאין דרך למקם תמנה במרכז הדף
כך שהטקסט יהיה מסביבה . אבל , ניתן למקם תמונה
במרכז כך שהטקסט ייכתב מעליה . ע"מ לעשות
זאת נשתמש בתג לישור פסקאות .
לדוגמא שורות הקוד יראו כך :
וזה יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work.
אם ברצוננו שרק שורה אחת תופיע לצד התמונה
ושאר הטקסט יהיה מתחתיה ניתן להשתמש בתג <IMG ALIGN=#>
כאשר הסימון # יהיה TOP
יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the winter.
יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the winter.
יראה כך :
This is an ant, sitting on his butt. Some days he sits on his butt for hours upon hours, letting the other ants do all the work. Some people (and ants) would say he is lazy. But the truth is that this ant thinks he's a penguin, in which case it would be OK to sit on his tookus all day while the other ants (or penguins, in his world) scurry around securing food for the winter.
לסיכום , מבחר האפשרויות גדול ודורש תרגול
. אז בהצלחה .